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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Ben Glass, Esquire
Don’t Get Healthcare Advice From an Attorney
Benjamin W. Glass and Associates
. https://www.benglasslaw.com/

Don’t Get Healthcare Advice From an Attorney

A question that we sometimes get in the office is: “I’ve been injured in an accident; which doctor should I see?” A variation of this question is: “Should I see a doctor or not?”
The answer to both of these questions is, “Never rely on an attorney to tell you whether you should see a doctor or which doctor to see.”
You must make the initial determination as to whether your injuries warrant seeing a healthcare provider. Ask yourself this question: “Would I be seeing a doctor if this accident was solely my fault?” If the answer is no, then you shouldn’t be going to the doctor just because it was someone else’s fault.
Once you decide to see a healthcare provider following a car accident, that provider will play a crucial role. When you are injured in an accident, your healthcare provider is the one who will help you get better quickly. Questions about what treatment you should have, and how often, should be driven by only one issue: What treatment will help you maximize your recovery and minimize your recovery time the best? This decision can only be made between you and your healthcare provider – who is working to help you get better.
You should choose the medical provider who is best suited to treat your condition. The frequency of your doctor visits should be based on treating your injuries and not the belief that the more visits you have, the higher your medical bills and, therefore, the higher your potential settlement.
Unfortunately, some people do get medical care under the mistaken belief that the more care they receive, the more “valuable” their accident claim will be. This is a bad mistake. The insurance company will carefully scrutinize the medical records to make sure that the care you are receiving is appropriate and required. This is their job.
If you are injured, make sure you follow your doctor’s recommended treatment plan, whether that includes physical therapy or seeing a specialist. If you don’t adhere to your doctor’s plan and it takes longer than expected to recover from your injuries, the insurance company will blame you.
So, do not miss appointments, and be sure to take your prescribed medication. Failing to take your medication or missing appointments will give the insurance company an excuse to undervalue your claim. It will make the argument that you must not have been hurt that badly.

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