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Terry Douglas, Maryland Elder Law Attorney
Cash For Widows Of Veterans
Douglas Law Office

Cash For Widows Of Veterans

The VA may have a $1,000 check for you. Do you qualify?

Back in February, I spoke to you about cash benefits for veterans over 65 years old who served in WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. The extra $1,000 to $2,000 a month is tax free and can be used to help pay costs for at-home care, assisted living, or nursing home care. It's often referred to as the Aid and Attendance benefit. It is available for veterans and their surviving spouses who require assistance of another person, such as activities for daily living like eating, dressing, and bathing.

Today, let's talk about VA benefits for the surviving spouse (widow) of a wartime veteran. As strange as it may sound, the VA refers to it as the “Survivor's Death Pension”. The maximum amount for a widow is $1,130 per month or $13, 563 per year.

With a few exceptions, a surviving spouse (at any age) must have been married to the veteran for at least one year, living together at the time of the veteran's death, and remain unmarried.

21,973,000 living veterans in U.S.

10% are female 2,271,000

44.19% of veterans are over the age of 65

476,292 veterans reside in Maryland

Do you need a lawyer to fill out the Forms? No. The VA allows you to fill out the forms yourself. An attorney can help you complete a fully developed claim and submit your application under the expedited process, and thus reduce the processing time from 12 to 24 months to 6 to 9 months.

Does your home count as an Asset? No. Your home is exempt as well as your car. However, the veteran must have limited income and assets. If assets are over $50,000, it may be best to consult with an elder law attorney who is VA accredited.

What's the advantage of having an Attorney help? An attorney can help you meet eligibility requirements. The attorney will review your medical, financial, and military records. If you are overqualified, an attorney can help you legally shift or convert and preserve your assets to become otherwise-eligible for this cash benefit.

Once awarded certain benefits, a veteran may also obtain medication, medical equipment, incontinence supplies, glasses, and hearing aids from the local VA hospital or clinic via home delivery (free or small co-pay).

To find out if you're eligible for this benefit and how much you qualify for, contact a Veteran Service Organization such as the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AmVets, or an Attorney accredited by the VA.

If you are starting to have diminished capacity, such as becoming forgetful, having difficulty paying the bills, not caring for yourself, then, the time to get your legal affairs in order is overdue. You should have a current medical directive and power of attorney.

You may want to consult with a physician or geriatric care provider about available resources.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130