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Is It Time To Detox?
Toxins surround us – they’re in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Some notable contributors to toxicity include pesticides on produce, car exhaust and microparticle pollution in the air, preservatives and other manmade ingredients in processed foods, heavy metals including arsenic and mercury in our soil and additives including fluoride and chlorine in our water. Not to mention the host of unnatural products many of us slather daily on our skin, teeth, hair, finger nails and under our arms.
The Good News
Our bodies have built-in detoxification methods that are hard at work each day. You were born equipped with a four-tiered internal detox system, which involves four critical organs and glands:
- The liver. It’s your first line of defense against toxins, filtering toxic substances ingested with foods and drinks (including medications) and preventing them from entering your bloodstream.
- The colon. The colon’s primary function is to eliminate toxic chemicals before they can harm your body. The bacteria that inhabit our colons produce both good and unhealthy chemical by-products, which is why it’s critical to keep your elimination system moving with regular bowel movements.
- The kidneys. The world’s hardest-working filtration system continuously filters your blood and eliminates toxins in liquid form via urine.
- Sweat glands. While sweat is 99% water, toxins including heavy metals and BPA, the toxin found in plastic bottles, are often found in sweat.
Are You Ready For a Detoxification Program?
The human body is indeed equipped to detoxify itself, but never before in the history of humankind have we consistently assaulted our bodies with so many foreign substances that it considers poisonous. Most Americans have at least 212 environmental chemicals in their bodies, many of which have been identified as toxins that disrupt specific bodily functions or have been linked with diseases or disorders.
Have you ever experienced symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, poor sleep, skin issues or irritability? While these could be attributed to a number of things, a congested elimination system is one possible reason for feeling unwell. Providing your body with a cease fire in the toxic assault so it can catch up and even achieve a new level of detoxification is a very positive step toward feeling better.
There are a large number of detoxification diets, programs and cleanses available. It’s important to ask your healthcare provider which one they recommend to address your specific situation and goals. The positive results you’ll experience from completing a detoxification program are well worth it.