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Jennifer Wong, Principal Broker & Owner (DC, VA, & MD)
Common Home Selling Questions Answered
W Homes

Common Home Selling Questions Answered

Are you at the stage where you’re starting to begin thinking that it is time to downsize your home and move into a more manageable accommodation in your twilight years? You’re not alone. Every year many seniors take the leap to move into a smaller more manageable property.

This month, we’re detailing some of the most common questions we’ve received when people ask about downsizing their home.

How can I stage my home for buyers?

When thinking about staging your home there are a few things to consider. One of the easiest ways to go about this is removing any non-neutral items and decluttering the viewing areas. You want your potential buyer to see the home as their future, so keeping it open and clean allows them to envision themselves in your space.

How do I begin the decluttering process?

The best way to start the decluttering process is to start it early and start out small. Go room by room and organize items into keep, toss, sell and store piles. This will help you determine the items you’ll bring with you, those to pass down to loved ones and those that you no longer need. This will make staging – and moving much easier.

What should I do about renovations?

When reviewing your home prior to putting it on the market, start to make a list of repairs and small renovations that might assist in the selling of your home. For example, is your wall to wall carpet more suited to the 80’s than the 2020’s? It might be time to invest in new carpeting or hardwood. Is your lighting drab and outdated? Consider recessed lighting. These small changes can make all the difference when selling your home.

What do they mean by “curbside appeal”?

Curbside appeal is what someone sees when they look at your home from the outside. As they say, “you only have one opportunity to make a first impression.”  So, when selling your home consider what your potential buyer is going to see when they first walk up. Ensure that any grass areas are cut and healthy, hedges are trimmed and the driveway is clean and clear of debris – it can make all the difference.

Selling your home can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. Following the few steps above can make selling an enjoyable and exciting experience.
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