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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dr. Jay McCarl, Dr. Clayton McCarl, and Dr. David McCarl
Thin Veneers A Great Option For a Beautiful Smile
McCarl Dental Group

Thin Veneers A Great Option For a Beautiful Smile

A new and popular procedure in today's world of cosmetic dentistry is the no-prep veneer. With improved dental technology, dentists can create porcelain veneers that are less than half a millimeter thick. These “thin veneers” can allow smile makeovers with little or no drilling. No-prep veneers are ideal for permanent whitening, minor orthodontic issues and transforming small teeth or teeth with spaces into beautiful and dazzling smiles.

Many people want the cosmetic improvements porcelain veneers

provide for a smile but are hesitant about the preparation of the face of the tooth that is required for traditional dental veneers. With the new minimal and no preparation veneers, cosmetic dentistry has become more comfortable, affordable and convenient.

No prep veneers and minimal preparation veneers make smile

makeovers possible without drilling. The dentist lightly smoothes the surface of your teeth and takes an impression. There is no need for Novocain or dental temporaries. At your next appointment, your veneers are cemented in place. Dental veneers can transform a smile in just two visits to the dentist. Thin veneers are often an ideal solution.

Traditional veneers are thicker porcelain and require some

reduction on the face of your teeth. These

veneers are still the treatment of choice when teeth are too crowded or when protruding teeth need to be brought back into the smile line. Many times a patient's unique

situation is best served by a

combination of thin and traditional veneers. Tooth structure may need to be modified only on selected teeth in your smile to get optimal results.

A smile makeover consultation with a dentist who is experienced in cosmetic dental treatment is the first step for improving your smile. It is important for the dentist to listen carefully to your concerns and goals. There is usually more than one

solution to dental problems. The best dentists will offer a variety of dental procedures and explain how they can improve your smile. A smile makeover can include teeth whitening, dental

implants, porcelain traditional veneers, thin veneers or porcelain crowns. The combination of

treatments gives a great outcome and lowers the total price.

It is important for dentists to use a top quality dental lab for fabrication of porcelain veneers. The highest quality traditional and thin porcelain veneers have the shading and characteristics of natural teeth. With the recent

improvements in dental technology, more people are choosing to enhance their smiles with restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Ask a dentist

experienced with all types of cosmetic dentistry what would be best for you.
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