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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Bringing Your Body Back Into Balance
Happy Hour Yoga Center

Bringing Your Body Back Into Balance

Health care is just that, care of your health. Health care professions help you to maintain good health or to restore the body back into good health.

Health of the body becomes compromised when we throw the body systems out of balance. Ways of throwing the body out of balance can be quite simple.

Over eating causes an imbalance in the digestive system, and can cause a negative effect on the other systems in the body. When one of the systems is out of balance it causes the other systems to over compensate or under compensate to accommodate the body. When the digestive system has been compromised it can cause constipation, diarrhea, bloating, fat stomach or just plain misery. When the bowels are not moved at least two times a day this can result in headache, backaches, knee aches, flatulence, joint pain and body odor, just to name a few.

Diabetes can sometimes be caused from a lack of exercise and improper diet. Consider that improper diets may sometimes come about because we are taught to cook like Big Mamma, and Big Mamma sometimes cooked very unhealthy food.

Obesity may run in the family because sometimes we do not eat a well-balanced meal and whatever we eat, we tend to overeat.

Big Daddy can cook really good ribs and fry a beautiful turkey, not to mention his delicious BBQ. Big Daddy also probably has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, gas and a big stomach.

Big Daddy and Big Mamma are probably taking blood pressure pills and still eating not so healthy on a regular basis. Arthritis can also be influenced by the diet. The nervous system is influenced by what the mind thinks and what the body holds. Foods can also affect the nervous system and the respiratory system.

Health care professionals can help determine the best systems to bring the body and mind back into balance. Seek out the health care professional that is best for you and your condition.

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