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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
J. Kenneth Bowman, DC
A Few Unique Health Issues and Solutions For Women
J. Kenneth Bowman D.C., LTD
. http://www.jkennethbowmandc.com

A Few Unique Health Issues and Solutions For Women

For the most part knowing how to live a healthy life style is not rocket science. We all have pretty much the same needs regarding nutrition, exercise, risk avoidance and health maintenance.

There are, however, a few factors that make women more vulnerable to disease and these should be noted.

In addition to the obvious gynecological issues, women are more vulnerable to reduced bone density and loss of muscle mass. This is due, in part, to women starting with smaller frames.

Females are more prone to cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of women. There is also a higher prevalence of dementia in women. Vulnerability is compounded by the fact that women are living longer than men and these conditions are more common in older adults.

Osteoporosis, coronary artery disease and dementia are considered, in part, to be responses to inflammation. In addition, current research has shown that all three conditions are improved with regular aerobic and strengthening exercise programs.

So, although an anti-inflammatory diet and regular exercise are important for us all, perhaps they are even more important for the fairer sex. The trick with consuming the best anti-inflammatory diet is eating a variety of foods while emphasizing those higher in omega 3 and lower in omega 6 fatty acids. Eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible and reduce consumption of sugar, wheat and corn products.

Nutritional supplements can help with reduction of inflammation and better health overall. Omega 3 capsules, ginger and turmeric have safe anti-inflammatory effects. Black and green tea are anti-inflammatory but be sure to drink plenty of water.

Most adults need 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day. Because women are smaller with less muscle mass, they require fewer calories. A really excellent guide to food selection and preparation is the Omega Diet by Artemis P. Simopoulos, MD and Jo Robinson.

One last thought on this longevity thing. We should remember George Burns words, “If I knew I was going to live so long, Id have taken better care of myself.”

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