What You Need To Know About Hearing Instruments
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What You Need To Know About Hearing Instruments
Hearing instruments improve speech understanding in various situations and support the many functions of human hearing (location of sounds, enjoyment of music).
As the kind and degree of hearing loss varies from person to person and even sometimes from ear to ear, there are different hearing instrument models which are tailored to specific hearing losses and take into account personal needs.
Hearing instruments are distinguished by Design and Technology
In-the-ear models (ITE) are the unobtrusive hearing instruments that are worn in the ear. Aesthetically pleasing, they cover hearing losses from mild to medium. The smallest ITE-models, called CIC (completely-in-canal), can be worn completely in the canal and are therefore hardly visible.
Behind-the-ear models (BTE) are the versatile and powerful hearing instruments that are worn behind the ear. They can be employed for all degrees of hearing losses and are particularly beneficial for severe hearing losses and special requirements regarding hearing in difficult listening situations.
Digital microprocessors (digital signal processing) guarantee the highest signal processing and fitting flexibility in addition to providing maximum speech understanding. Individual preferences and needs can be taken into account.
Digitally programmable analog technology is programmed via software for the best possible adaptation of the conventional signal processing to the hearing loss.
Analog (conventional technology) is for all degrees of hearing loss. The fitting is performed with control elements directly on the hearing instrument.
Why Two Ears are Better than One
More than 80 percent of individuals with hearing loss have hearing loss in both ears, yet some people only wear a hearing instrument in one ear. Amplifying only one ear when both ears have a hearing loss may put individuals at a disadvantage. It can make it more difficult to hear in noise, understand speech, and detect where sounds are coming from. It can also result in straining to hear and cause fatigue.
Studies show that even when a hearing loss is worse in one ear, most people with hearing loss in both ears will greatly benefit from wearing two hearing instruments.
Binaural hearing, or listening with two ears, enables the wearer to hear the way nature intended. Wearing two hearing instruments results in the clearer understanding of speech. Hearing through two hearing instruments allows sounds to have a fuller quality and creates a sense of balance. Because two hearing instruments are used, sound and the act of listening become more comfortable and natural.
Only a hearing care professional can guide the wearer through the process of selecting the most appropriate hearing instruments for every type and degree of hearing loss. He or she will also customize hearing instruments to an individuals special listening needs. For more information on hearing loss and the importance of hearing with both ears, contact a hearing professional and hear for yourself why two ears are better than one.
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