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Hearing Professionals
Protect Your Hearing This Summer
Hearing Professionals Inc.

Protect Your Hearing This Summer

As summertime and summer vacations approach there are many sounds and activities that are essential to having a great summer. Fresh cut grass for the Fourth of July barbecue after swimming in the Chesapeake is an annual must.

But, before your family charges forth into the heat of summer, make sure you protect your ears.

“Noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss,” says Sandra Romano, Doctor of Audiology. “Both the loudness of the noise and the length of time you're exposed to it matter. But by taking some simple measures, people can protect their hearing while still enjoying their summer activities.”

The Better Hearing Institute offers some simple tips to follow

  • Use earplugs When you know you will be exposed to loud sounds, use earplugs. Disposable earplugs, made of foam or silicone, are typically available at local pharmacies. Custom ear protection crafted to fit each unique ear also is available from your local hearing healthcare professional. Custom protection ensures a proper fitting mold each time, further reducing the risk of unwanted noise exposure.
  • Leave the fireworks to the professionals To protect your hearing, make sure you are wearing earplugs and that they are securely in place before the show begins. And be sure to keep them in for the entire show
  • Keep the volume down Limit your use of headphones and earbuds, and keep the volume down.
  • Take measures to protect against water damage and infection Be sure to dry your ears completely after swimming and do your best to drain any residual water from your ear canal by tilting your head to the side. Also, custom protection is available from your local hearing healthcare professional for numerous water activities. Many of these custom pieces prevent moisture from entering the ear canal, infection, swimmer's ear and surfer's ear (caused by exposure to cold water and wind) while also allowing the wearer to participate in conversation.
  • Visit your local hearing healthcare professional A hearing healthcare professional can provide a hearing test to determine your baseline hearing level and determine if you have any hearing loss that should be addressed.

If your summer plans require air travel, be aware that flying with sinus issues (including those from allergies), infections, or colds can cause discomfort, pain, and could increase the possibility of eardrum rupture. Always consult with your physician before traveling with any active sinus or ear trouble.

Make sure to keep your family's ears safe this summer.
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