Visiting Angels Living Assistance
9701 Apollo Drive
Largo, MD 20774
(301) 583-8820
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Winter Dehydration
As we all know, our bodies are composed of mostly water nearly 65%. This makes it imperative that we focus on hydration at all times of the year. Unfortunately, most of us only consider combating our body's loss of water during the summer months, when it is hot outside and we can feel ourselves losing water through perspiration. Yet, in winter, the risk of dehydration is also very real. The causes for fluid loss may still be present, but without the frequent or commonly thought of warning sign.
As is often the case in medicine, prevention is the important first step in the treatment of dehydration. Here are six remedies and ways to prevent dehydration
Fluid replacement is the treatment for dehydration. This can include water, juice, soups, clear broth, Popsicles, Jell-O, ice cream, milk, puddings, decaffeinated beverages, Kool-Aid, nutritional drink supplements, and replacement fluids that may contain electrolytes (Pedialyte, Gatorade, Powerade, etc.).
Reduce or eliminate dehydrating beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks (unless decaffeinated). But even decaffeinated drinks can contribute to dehydration. Beware of alcohol intake too. Alcoholic beverages increase risk of dehydration because the body requires additional water to metabolize alcohol and it also acts as a diuretic.
If you drink the unhealthy beverages, you need to add even more water to your daily total. The dehydration caused by those drinks must be compensated for by increasing the amount of water you consume.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Most have a high water content.
Drink water throughout the day in small amounts. It is not good to suddenly gulp down 64 ounces of water. You can fill a 24-32 ounce tumbler in the morning, refill it by late morning, and refill it again for the afternoon. Consume that by 5 PM. Most people need to start limiting fluids 1-3 hours before bedtime.
Individuals with vomiting and diarrhea can try to alter their diet and use medications to control symptoms to minimize water loss. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be used to control fever.
Water helps us fight disease in our bodies, maintain healthy weight, keeps us on a level emotional playing field, and helps all of our organs and cells function properly. Do right by yourself and your care recipients drink plenty. Remember, we need water long before we feel thirsty.