Hearing Professionals Inc.
14201 Laurel Park Drive
Laurel, MD 20707
(301) 604-3177
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Dizzy, Lightheaded Or Spinning?
Dysfunction of any part of the balance system can lead to problems with dizziness and/or imbalance. Depending on the cause, an episode of vertigo, dizziness, or imbalance may last several seconds, minutes, hours or days and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and disorientation.
Balance issues may occur as a result of
Meniere's Disease A chronic disease in which naturally occurring fluid in the inner ear builds up causing pressure on the hearing and vestibular organs causing one or more of the following symptoms fluctuating hearing, tinnitus, extreme vertigo lasting several minutes to hours, nausea, vomiting, pressure in the ear, and lightheadedness.
Migraine Associated Vertigo There are no specific tests to diagnose this complex disorder. Symptoms typically include sensitivity to light and/or sound, decreased/impaired vision, lightheadedness or a “heavy head” sensation, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Vestibular Labyrinthitis When a viral or bacterial infection (usually a virus affecting other organ systems of the body) causes inflammation of the inner ear or vestibule. People who suffer from this condition typically feel sudden, onset vertigo (spinning sensations) and hearing loss.
Vestibular Neuronitis/Neuritis A condition that causes an inflammation of the balance (vestibular) nerve of either ear caused by a bacterial or viral infection that is either systemic (sinus infection, measles, etc.) or an infection that is sudden and only affects the vestibular nerve. People who suffer from this condition typically feel sudden, onset vertigo for hours, days or even weeks accompanied by nausea, vomiting, queasiness and disorientation.
Vestibular Schwannoma More commonly known as Acoustic Neuroma, this is a benign (noncancerous) tumor that grows from the schwan cells that create the covering on the auditory/vestibular cranial nerve. Depending on where the tumor begins to grow, symptoms vary, but may include a gradual decrease in hearing in one ear, tinnitus and dizziness.
Keep in mind that other medical conditions not related to the inner ear can cause patients to report symptoms of vertigo, unsteadiness, wooziness, dizziness, and lightheadedness.
Comprehensive balance testing performed by a doctor of audiology involves an array of specialized diagnostics to identify dysfunction within the balance system. The data collected during testing may allow the audiologist to discuss treatment options during that same appointment time or may require him/her to collaborate with your physician or specialist for the best possible outcome.
A doctor of audiology (AuD) is a healthcare professional uniquely trained and qualified for diagnosing, monitoring and providing non-medical treatment of hearing and balance disorders in children and adults.
If you are experiencing dizziness, vertigo, or other balance issues, see an audiologist to find out what options and treatments are available to you.