Hearing Professionals Inc.
14201 Laurel Park Drive
Laurel, MD 20707
(301) 604-3177
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Causes Of Hearing Loss
Do you hear but not always understand what is said? Do you feel like other people mumble? You may have a hearing loss, but what's causing it? There are many contributing factors of hearing loss and typically, pinpointing a particular cause for an individual's hearing loss is not usually possible.
Hearing Loss May Occur As a Result Of
Aging Diminishing hair cells in the inner ear, stiffening of the inner ear structure or loss of nerve endings on the acoustic nerve may be age-related causes of hearing loss.
Blockages in the ear canal Common blockages include earwax (cerumen), foreign objects (toys, erasers, etc.), swelling from allergies or infections, injury, and birth defects.
Ear infections Ear infections typically cause swelling in the middle ear triggering a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum.
Fistula A fistula is an abnormal opening between the middle and inner ear that causes fluid to leak from the inner ear. Symptoms include hearing loss as well as dizziness.
Head injury A head injury can damage nerves in the hearing centers of the brain.
Medication Some medications have been identified as ototoxic and can cause hearing loss.
Meniere's Disease Pressure in the inner ear may cause fluctuation hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness and nausea.
Noise The most common cause of hearing loss is noise exposure. It isn't just about how loud the noise is, but also prolonged exposure to noise.
Otosclerosis This is a hereditary disease in which a new bone grows around one of the small bones that transmits sound behind the eardrum. The new bone disrupts sound transmission.
Tumors (benign or malignant) Depending on where the tumor is located, the resulting hearing loss may be conductive (sound is unable to travel through the middle ear to the inner ear) or sensorineural (inner ear or auditory nerve dysfunction).
What Professional Do You Turn To For Help?
A Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) is the most qualified healthcare professional for diagnosing, monitoring and providing non-medical treatment of hearing and balance disorders in children and adults. Oftentimes, primary care physicians and specialists, such as an otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat physician) or a neurologist, rely on the information gathered by an audiologist in the course of treating their patients.
When you go to an audiologist for comprehensive hearing testing, the audiologist will determine the degree of hearing loss and where in the auditory system the loss is occurring. They will also discuss possible treatment options depending on your type of hearing loss.
If you suspect you may have hearing loss, see an audiologist to find out what options and treatments are available to you.