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Joseph M. Arzadon, DDS, MD
Wisdom Tooth Extraction 101
Northern Virginia Surgical Arts
. https://www.novasurgicalarts.com/

Wisdom Tooth Extraction 101

While you may have heard a variety of stories from people who have had their wisdom teeth removed, you may dread having to go through it yourself. It is actually a very common procedure, usually without any major problems.

Thanks to modern dental knowledge and anesthesia, it should be generally painless, and recovery should only take a day or two before you get back to normal. Here are some common questions and answers about wisdom teeth.

Where Are the Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the large teeth in the back of the mouth. Most people have two upper and two lower wisdom teeth. However, approximately 25 percent of the population is born without one or more of their wisdom teeth. They usually erupt around the age of 18.

Will They Need
to Be Extracted?

Most people’s jaws are not large enough to hold all 32 teeth, so the wisdom teeth, which are last to erupt, are often pushed off to the side or are unable to erupt completely. This can lead to pain, pressure, gum disease, decay and infection. If there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to come in straight and completely, they should be removed.

When Should I Have
My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

A good time to have this procedure is when you are young and roots have not yet fully formed.  After the roots are fully formed, the wisdom teeth can sometimes be more impacted and more difficult to remove.  When your wisdom teeth are less impacted, they are easier to remove.

What Is the Procedure Like?

Most patients choose to have their wisdom teeth extracted under general anesthesia or IV sedation for comfort and lessened anxiety. However, a very easy extraction may only require local anesthesia. It should be a short procedure followed by a brief recovery period before you will be sent home with gauze packing and a prescription for pain control medication.

How Is Recovery
After Extraction?

Discomfort will be greatest within the first two days and you will have to be careful what you eat. Most people begin feeling like themselves within four to seven days.

While this information certainly answers some of your most pressing questions about wisdom teeth extractions, you are sure to have others on your mind as well. Be sure to write them down so that you can discuss them with your doctor.

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