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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Duke H. Kim, DDS, MAGD
New Treatment For Chronic Headache Sufferers
Ballston Dental Arts

New Treatment For Chronic Headache Sufferers

The National Headache Foundation estimates that more than 29 million Americans suffer from migraines, and these individuals lose more than 157 million work and school days annually due to pain. Aside from migraine sufferers, it is projected that 90 percent of the population also endures other chronic debilitating headaches.

We are now offering a comprehensive treatment program for patients suffering with chronic pain relating to headaches, migraines, tension, and whiplash. Using a combination of proven therapeutic, state-of-the-art techniques we can evaluate and treat patients with pain or discomfort caused as a consequence of improper muscle forces in the mouth, neck, and head area.

This treatment is badly needed in a subsection of the population that suffers from ongoing chronic head and neck pain. The TruDenta treatment program provides many patients immediate relief and long-lasting results. It's exciting and rewarding to see patients take back control of their lives and their health with more pain-free days. It can really be life changing.

The TruDenta system can be used in a specific way to evaluate a patient's pain symptoms and disabilities in the teeth, muscles, and joints that likely are caused by force imbalances. Then, based on the objective data, individualized therapy can be tailored to the individual patient's condition.

The rehabilitation of the muscles and nerves causing the pain is a combination of in-office treatments and at-home care. The treatment is minimally invasive and painless, with no needles or drugs involved.
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