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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Celeste Balino, DDS
Dental Face-Lift
King Centre Dental

Dental Face-Lift

As we age, myriad changes occur in our bodies some subtle and some not so subtle.

One of the most noticeable changes that may occur will be the decrease in length of the face. This phenomenon is sometimes blamed 100% on the sagging of facial muscles. While facial muscles do become more flaccid with age, the skeletal framework makes minimal change.

What, then, would be the cause of the longer nose, the more flaccid chin, the pursed lips, and the general shortening of the face?

The answer is the loss of tooth structure attributed to the grinding, or bruxism, of the teeth, which can clinically cause over 11mm decrease in facial length.

Dentists refer to this as a decrease in vertical dimension. The question then becomes how to regain the length.

Orthodontic intervention, crowns, veneers, fillings or a combination of some of the aforementioned is the solution to this persistent and life changing problem.

A second benefit of this treatment will be the improved phonetics as a result of the regained tongue posture as it relates to the sides of the lower teeth and the backside of the upper front teeth.

As the face decreases in length, the tongue has a decreased amount of mouth space to accommodate it, and this leads to a slight compromise in tongue position relative to enunciation.

Sometimes, ladies will notice the change in the lipstick line as the lips will take on a more youthful posture brought on by the increase in face length.

The reality is that, sometimes, the expense of this approach can be challenging. Your dentist can phase your treatment over a longer period of time to accommodate your financial situation.

The “dental face-lift” is a byproduct of well thought out dental treatment plans and high level dental competency.
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