Sherry Kazerooni, DDS
8347 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
More Dental Health Articles
A Dental Facelift
Is this possible? Yes, it is.
We all have some wrinkles on our faces. Many of us think that a plastic surgeon is the onlysolution to removing the wrinkles and sags we see on our faces. But there is another option. It is non-surgical, non invasive, and practically painles a dental facelift.
Underneath the skin of the face lie the muscles of expression. These muscles help you smile,frown, purse your lips, and narrow your eyes all contribute to wrinkles. When the lower jaw ispositioned too far back, the pucker muscles and the laugh muscles create wrinkles that grow deeper withtime. Many people suffer headaches, neck aches and tooth grinding due to the misalignment of the jaw.
Removing wrinkles and sags in the face can be accomplished by positioning the teeth in theneuromuscular (balanced) position. When this position is achieved, the muscles of the face are relaxed,the wrinkles caused by overworked muscles will relax and the pain usually associated with non-functional bite goes away.
How Can This Be Accomplished?
A dentist that is skilled in neuromuscular dentistry will evaluate your bite and muscle tension.If it is determined that you have a jaw position that is contributing to a traumatic bite, the dentist will beginthe assessment that will quantify the tension of the facial muscles.
A model of your teeth will be made. This gives the doctor a permanent registration of your currentmuscle and bite status. Then the muscles are relaxed using a TENS machine. This is also called a myomonitor and is used to deliver gentle electrical stimulation to your muscles to help them relax. When muscles are tense,the blood flow is restricted. When muscles are relaxed, circulation increases and the muscles are able toimprove their function.
Using a jaw-tracking device called the K7, the dentist will study the pattern of opening andclosing through the full range of motion three dimensionally.
Using the models and the computerized jaw-tracking device, the neuromuscular dentist willdetermine the proper jaw relationship. A device called an orthodic will be fabricated to guide your teethinto the proper neuromuscular position.
Each time you swallow, or bite down, the teeth will be guided tothe proper neuromuscular position. Any head and neck pain you have should go away at this point.
In some cases, the doctor will place crowns on the teeth to reflect the neuromuscular bite andenable the patient to achieve the neuromuscular position without using the orthodic.
At the end of the treatment, your facial wrinkles and sags should be gone or significantly reduced.If you have chosen to finish the neuromuscular dentistry with cosmetic crowns, you will also have awonderful new smile. A smile that will last many years.
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