Sherry Kazerooni, DDS
8347 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
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A Dazzling Smile Opens Doors To the Fountain Of Youth
Wisdom comes at the price of aging and an aging smile. Well known anti-aging measures such as advanced skin care, liquid dermal fillers, and facial cosmetic surgery do a good job at turning back the hands of time, but may not go far enough for a polished, youthful appearance.
A dazzling smile is a powerful door opener to a new job, or a new relationship. This can be a new chapter in feeling better about taking control of the effects of aging and bending those effects to our favor.
Catching people's attention with that dazzling smile can start a new beginning. While your clothes speak to a well-kept, neat appearance, a smile in need of restoration might negate that positive impression. Why would someone spend money on good clothes, a handbag or a briefcase, or a car only to overlook an investment in a healthy looking, youthful smile?
Looking good is more than cosmetic, your teeth are important. There are health benefits to taking care of your teeth, and there is often a psychological lift associated with looking and feeling younger. Dramatic results occur every day in a skilled cosmetic dentist's chair. A dazzling, bright, perfect smile can change how someone feels about themselves or
the world.
Aligning your facial profile can have nearly the same effect as the most invasive anti-aging surgery. It is not uncommon after a smile makeover for someone to go after that dream job -or dream partner- that was previously thought to be out of reach. And, don't think cosmetic dentists only cater to the rich, famous, or beautiful. Ordinary people are also seeing extraordinary results. An artful cosmetic dentist can help you put your best foot forward and appear beautiful, handsome, smart, and successful.
Advances in veneers thin, beautiful porcelain encasing your natural teeth can fix your jaw line and enhance your smile while retaining natural tooth strength. A strong, balanced smile also offers health benefits well into your twilight years. Talk to a cosmetic dentist today and ask about how cosmetic dentistry can change your smile.
By measuring the position of your teeth and architecting a beautiful, natural smile prior to getting started, allows you to have a glimpse into the new you. You deserve to look and feel your best every day and enjoy the benefits of a dazzling, sunny smile.
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