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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Shandon Thompson, DC, CCSP
Spring Into Spring
Spine & Sports Care of Loudoun
. http://www.ashburnspinecare.com/

Spring Into Spring

Spring! Its a time for new life, new activities, and treasured pastimes… but its also a time when many of us injure ourselves doing the things we love. How can you enjoy your favorite activities, while minimizing your risks for aches, pains, sprains, and strains?

Most of us havent mowed the lawn, planted bulbs, or gone for a bicycle ride during the winter months. Jumping back into these activities carries risks. Too many of us will jump in headfirst and pay the price. Theres a better way, and here are some tips to make things go a bit easier.

One key to caring for your body is hydration. Not only can drinking plenty of water protect you from heat-related illness, but also theres the fact that your body is mostly water. Drinking plenty of pure water can save you spinal problems by protecting the discs in your back.

Athletes commonly warm up for up to an hour before their events, and you should consider the wisdom inherent in easing into activity. If youre going to sweat and strain, consider a gentle 5-minute walk first.

If youre going to bend forward a lot, try “depressurizing” your spinal discs by gently bending backwards a few times.

If your activity will involve your shoulders, very gently put them through an active range of motion for a few minutes before you start pulling and straining at those weeds. Let your joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons warm up to your tasks, and you may save yourself a lot of heartache.

If youve already injured yourself, consider chiropractic care. For many people it is a safe and effective way to bounce back fast from a wide variety of joint, muscle, ligament, and tendon problems. Though anti-inflammatory medications can help, many people find that chiropractic care not only decreases pain, but also helps improve return-to-function times your flowers, your tennis racket, and your lawn are calling you, so why wait any longer than you have to?

And once youre back on top of your game, consider chiropractic care as a tool to help you stay healthy and limber.

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