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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Giulio I. Scarzella, MD, FACS, FICS
Regain Control
Giulio I. Scarzella, MD

Regain Control

Millions of women suffer from
stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This condition results in accidental loss of urine upon coughing, laughing, sneezing, or simply getting up from a chair. SUI is frustrating and embarrassing, causing some people to severely limit their activities and lifestyles.
Many treatment options for SUI are available. Your doctor may determine that a Monarc Subfascial Hammock is appropriate for you. This simple procedure corrects the conditions that cause SUI.
A Monarc Subfascial Hammock can free you from the limitations and embarrassment associated with SUI.
How Does Urinary
Control Normally Function?
The kidneys produce urine, which passes through the ureters to the bladder. The bladder fills with urine while the sphincter muscles and surrounding tissue keep the urethral opening closed. When you urinate, the bladder contracts and urine is forced out of the bladder, through the urethra, and out of the body.
The bladder and urethra must be well supported by the pelvic muscles and tissue to allow them to work properly.
What Causes Stress
Urinary Incontinence (SUI)?
Weakened or damaged pelvic muscles and ligaments can cause SUI. These structures can be weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, trauma, radiation, prior surgery, muscle damage, or hormonal changes, causing the bladder and urethra to relax from their normal positions.
This condition is often called a fallen bladder.
The sudden, added pressure from coughing, sneezing, laughing, or simple lifting could cause accidental loss of urine.
What Is the Monarc Subfascial Hammock and How Does it Treat SUI?
The subfascial hammock is a
narrow strip of material surgically placed in your body to support the urethra.
The hammock cradles your urethra and gives it a solid point to rest on and press against, and helps the urethra close more tightly.
How Will the Monarc Subfascial
Hammock Be Placed In My Body?
Placement of the subfascial hammock is usually performed
during an outpatient procedure in
less than an hour under local, regional, or general anesthesia, depend-
ing on what you and your doctor choose. Two tiny skin incisions are made near the inner thigh and the pubic bone. A narrow strip of material is inserted through a small incision in the vagina and placed under the urethra, then secured in place under the skin.
When Will I See Results?
Most women see results as soon as the catheter is removed, usually within a day or two after the procedure.
Every surgical procedure has risks and complications, however. Talk to your doctor so that you understand the procedure, potential complications, and results you can expect from the subfascial hammock.
Regain control and restore your lifestyle. You dont need to live with SUI and the limitations and embarrassment it causes. Join other women who have received a Monarc Subfascial Hammock and once again enjoy an active lifestyle with your family and friends.

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