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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sara Poldmae, LAc
Help Your Family Through Flu Season
Meadow Hill Wellness

Help Your Family Through Flu Season

Parents of young children know that once their child gets sick, the whole house is down for the count. In order to help your family to keep these yucky bugs at bay, there are a few things that you can do to boost your immunity through the cold and flu season. These tricks are especially important when you travel, or when your little ones bring home a cold or flu.

Cut out the junk food. Processed foods are largely empty calories, which do absolutely nothing to help your immune system. Eat vegetable-based meals, packed with plenty of immune fighting micronutrients. Dark leafy greens and homemade chicken soup are my personal favorites.

A regimen of anti-viral Chinese herbs, Vitamin D3, and a Vitamin C based immune booster can be taken all season. In Chinese medicine there are herbs for prevention, as well as for different stages of a virus. Building an herbal pharmacy for the home is easy with the help of an experienced herbalist.

If you sense that you are indeed getting sick, here is an ancient Chinese food remedy called “Kick A Germ Joy Juice” that should be effective if used within the first 24 hours of symptoms.

For one cup of juice…?Squeeze the juice of one lemon,?one tsp. fresh crushed garlic,?one tsp. fresh chopped ginger,?one pinch cayenne pepper

Place ingredients in a large-sized coffee mug. Pour boiling water over the ingredients and steep for 10 minutes. Strain if desired. Add honey to taste. Drinking a cup of tea before bed is recommended. Cover yourself in blankets and sweat the virus out.

And last, but not least, when your children go to bed sick, treat yourself to a good night's rest and your body will thank you. High quality sleep for at least seven hours is one of the best things you can do to give your immune system a boost.
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