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Omni Dental
What Is Oral Cancer?
Omni Dental Group

What Is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is one of the most common cancers, with roughly 35,000 new cases reported annually in the U.S. The vast majority occur in people older than 50 years, with men being twice as likely as women to develop the disease. The most frequent oral cancer sites are the tongue, the floor of the mouth and soft palate tissues in back of the tongue, lips and gums. Oral cancer can spread, leading to chronic pain, loss of function, irreparable facial and oral disfigurement following surgery and even death.

Scientists aren't sure of the exact cause of oral cancer. However, the carcinogens in tobacco products and alcohol, as well as excessive exposure to the sun, have been found to increase the risk of developing oral cancer.

Warning Signs

Oral cancer is represented by red, white or discolored lesions, patches or lumps in or around the mouth and is typically painless in its early stages. As the malignant cancer spreads and destroys healthy oral tissue, the lesions or lumps become more painful. Routine dental exams are recommended. See your dentist immediately if you observe any sore that persists longer than two weeks; a swelling, growth or lump anywhere in or about the mouth or neck; white or red patches in the mouth or on the lips; repeated bleeding from the mouth or throat; difficulty swallowing or persistent hoarseness.

How a Dentist Screens for Cancer

Your dentist should screen for oral cancer during routine checkups. They feel for lumps or irregular tissue changes in your neck, head, cheeks and oral cavity and thoroughly examine the soft tissues in your mouth, specifically looking for any sores or discolored tissues.

How Oral Cancer Is Treated

If your dentist suspects oral cancer, a biopsy of the lesion is required to confirm the diagnosis. Surgery is required to remove the tumors, which may cause disfiguration. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be used as part of the treatment.

How to Prevent Oral Cancer

You can help prevent oral cancer by not smoking, using spit tobacco or drinking excessive alcohol. The risk of oral cancer is 15 times higher in those who both smoke and drink. Research suggests that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may safeguard against oral cancer. Because successful treatment and rehabilitation are dependent on early detection, it is important to regularly check your mouth for changes in appearance. Survival rates greatly increase the earlier oral cancer is discovered and treated.

Dentists' Advice to Stop Smoking

Your dentist can recommend a step-by-step program tailored to your needs or prescribe a nicotine patch in combination with a cessation program. Your dentist will work with you and your physician and have a consultation to determine your needs.

Source Academy of General Dentistry
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