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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kathy Mellott, AuD
Want To Boost Your Income? Get Hearing Aids
Audiology Unlimited

Want To Boost Your Income? Get Hearing Aids

A survey by the Better Hearing Institute shows that working Americans who ignore their hearing problems lose at least $100 billion a year in earnings. Even people with mild hearing loss, who may miss a consonant or a word here and there, will lose income if they cant grasp the latest news at the water cooler or the subtle nuances in a phone message from the boss.
Research reveals that, on average, the income decline is cut in half for hearing aid users. The average amount of income lost by working people who dont get hearing aids ranges from $1,000 a year (for those with mild hearing loss) to $12,000 a year (for those with profound hearing loss). But individuals can lose a lot more. One contractor blew a $1 million deal because he misheard job specifications that were conveyed in person and he had been “too vain” to wear a hearing aid.
Getting hearing aids at a younger age reduces the chance of losing income. You might think of hearing loss as something that happens to older people. However, most people with this problem are in the prime of life, including one in six baby boomers (ages 41-59) and one in fourteen “Gen-exers” (ages 29-40). Yet, only one out of four of Americans with hearing problems is getting treatment.
People are embarrassed to admit they have hearing problems and get hearing aids. Some incorrectly believe a hearing aid will make them seem out of place or less able to do the job than their co-workers. And that could really hurt your career and reduce your income. In todays economy, good communications skills are critically important. A hearing aid is less conspicuous than your hearing loss.
Once you try hearing aids, youll probably like them. Nine out of ten users feel their lives have improved, according to survey findings. The respondents cited a number of specific improvements to their quality of life because of hearing instruments
More effective communications
Better social life
Improved relationships at home and in the work place
Improved emotional health
Improved mental/cognitive ability
Better physical health
This nation needs to stop treating hearing loss as a minor problem, an irritating condition that can be safely ignored. Hearing problems, when left untreated, disrupt family life, hamper emotional and sexual intimacy and increase the likelihood of depression and other psychological problems. If that doesnt convince you to take hearing loss seriously, maybe the prospect of making less money will.
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