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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
William A. Cox, DC
Stress and Chiropractic
Allegiance Chiropractic
. http://www.allegiancechiropractic.com

Stress and Chiropractic

Everyone experiences stress on a daily basis. Stress is defined as a reaction to any internal or external stimuli that upsets normal functioning and disturbs mental or physical health. Many have had stress with our recent earthquake followed with the hurricane. Internal conditions such as illness, pain, or emotional conflict, as well as external circumstances, such as a death in the family, or financial problems can cause stress. Even positive experiences like a new marriage or job promotion can provoke stress. Long lasting or chronic stress suppress the immune system, which in turn increase the susceptibility to illness, especially to immune-related disorders or cancer. Emotional stress also leads to hormonal imbalances that interfere with immune system function.

Chiropractic is a drug-free and non-surgical science. Chiropractors look at the human body and give special attention to its physiological and biochemical aspects. Major areas of concern for a chiropractor when examining a patient can include spinal or musculoskeletal structure, neurological activity, vascular systems, nutrition habits, emotions, and environmental relationships. Chiropractors can diagnose conditions that may be treatable by a chiropractor, some that require referral to other health care professionals, or co-managed treatments with other health care professionals.

Many symptoms of stress can be explained by an examination of diet and nutrient levels. You can reduce stress by avoiding caffeine and food additives, and eat fresher, whole foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat. You should consume very little foods containing simple sugars and they should be fruit. Eating the proper foods can be very therapeutic.

A complete balance of exercise will work in making the body healthier, thus reducing overall stress. Make a plan to exercise everyday and stick to your program! It's important to understand that the way we think or feel can play a very significant role in our overall health. Reducing stress is necessary to restoring and maintaining good health. Our immune system can be enhanced or suppressed by what we think and how we respond emotionally to everything around us.

Being educated is the first step to controlling your health. It's easy to get a prescription from your doctor and take a couple of pills. But that just makes him/her a drug dealer. While in fact, most prescription drugs don't “heal” anything. They only alleviate the symptoms. We must be responsible for our own health, and that may include changing our habits and lifestyle!

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