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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Bruce Auslander, DDS
Dental Assessment For Cancer Patients
Bruce Auslander, DDS

Dental Assessment For Cancer Patients

Patients who are scheduled to undergo radiation therapy for head and neck cancer are advised to meet first with a dentist for a pre-treatment dental assessment. This suggestion is made on the basis of the fact that radiation therapy is associated with an increased incidence of such adverse long-term side effects as dry mouth, inflammation of mucus membranes, and dental caries. In order to minimize the incidence of these potential problems, patients will want to undergo a dental assessment to identify existing conditions that require treatment. The healthier the teeth and oral tissues of a cancer patient, the better able he or she will be able to withstand radiation therapy.

Ask your dentist to talk to your radiation oncologist before your radiation treatments begin. Daily fluoride treatments may be prescribed to protect the teeth.
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