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Breast Cancer Awareness In Women
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Breast Cancer Awareness In Women

Breast Cancer Awareness In Women

Over the years, the sphere of breast cancer has been receiving attention from medical experts since this cancer has been the most prevalent among the female population worldwide. Besides, it is more than just a physical sickness and requires a lot of mental determination and drive to be treated and for the condition to be managed.

As a start, Breast Cancer is the abnormal proliferation of the mammary gland tissue which usually appears as a swelling (tumor) that can be either harmless or cancerous. According to a standard textbook definition: malignant tumors are those that have qualities of cancer whereas benign tumors are non-cancerous. Malignant tumors can spread to become metastatic.

Breast cancer, once it is firmly established in the body, has terrible complications and effects on the body. More than a few women may even feel no signs or symptoms in the earlier, starting phases of the illness such as during the first or second stages. It can be helpful to look at the importance of specialized hospitals for breast cancer in managing the disease and to be aware of potential symptoms because it is important to recognize:

  • A protuberance in the region of the breast or under the arms,
  • Distortions in the typical shape or volume of one or both breasts,
  • The breast skin experiences indentation or retraction, or this appears to be the case,
  • Discharge from the nipple although this is more so when it is thick or bloody,
  • Twitching sensations in or around the breast, or even its cousin, the nipple,
  • Lactation even when the person is not pregnant or breastfeeding.

People with breast cancer risk factors should constantly check themselves for these symptoms and evaluate if they can employ other methods before so.

Detecting Breast cancer Early

The likelihood of surviving breast cancer is greatly increased if the patient is diagnosed early. A mammogram and even clinical management and breast self-checking are also important procedures that can help female patients identify the disease at the very beginning. The right treatment can treat most breast cancer cases if diagnosed early and treated before the malignant cells move out from the breast area.

Breast Cancer Management in Special Hospitals

Picking the right hospital is one of the main tasks to be done when dealing with breast cancer. Hospitals treating breast cancer also come as a second line of defense or assist in the first diagnosis or any treatment of the disease or overall management.

These hospitals possess specialized departments of oncology, advancements in technology, and practicing medical professionals who have been trained on the most recent developments in cancer management.

Treatment of breast cancer at specialized hospitals comes with numerous benefits and one of them would be the multidisciplinary approach that is employed.

Different specialists such as oncologists, radiologists, surgeons, and supportive care specialists cooperate to officially determine the optimal treatment strategy for every patient. Because of this integrated strategy, the treatment also considers the patient’s emotional and psychological health.

In addition, these hospitals are willing to provide clinical trial patients, thereby offering patients the opportunity to receive new therapies that may be out of reach in the general population.

Other post-operative support services offered like nutrition therapy, physiotherapy, and even psychology are critical during the healing process.


As evidenced, early diagnosis and appropriate management policies adopted in the right environment can be effective. Knowledge and understanding of the signs can help breast cancer patients – even those at the advanced stage of the disease – to seek medical attention.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Cancer Patients

Is it possible for breast cancer to be fatal?

Breast cancer can be lethal if it is not picked up on and addressed sufficiently in the early stages. Moreover, just like other cancers, breast cancer too can metastasize throughout the body – to the bones, liver, lungs, or brain. The challenges of treating cancer become even greater when the disease has spread to the body’s distant organs. Still, however, due to new technology, different kinds of treatment, and early diagnosis of the illness, many women suffering from breast cancer can be treated effectively and, as a result, their mortality risk tends to be greatly lowered.

Does the cancer in the breast cause headaches?

Pain in the head is not a feature of breast cancer; however, if we speak about the advanced form of the disease when it metastasizes into the brain, then it does make sense. Such cases are not common as breast cancer rarely gets this advanced, but it can occur. Make an urgent call for examination if you have neck and/or headaches that last longer than normal and are accompanied by blurring of vision, dizziness, and sometimes a lack of orientation.

How movable are lump formations in breasts due to cancer?

Breast cancer lumps have different features depending on their type. Some are immovable because they are fixed to the tissue; others have a slightly movable feel. Nonetheless most of the time, a sort of lump is caused by cancer and more specifically known as a tumor, is hard, irregular in shape but painless. Again, benign lumps like cysts and fibroadenomas are mobile and usually smooth. If a lump is felt, then a healthcare expert should be approached without delay.

Can breast cancer and ovarian cancer occur together?

According to research and studies, breast cancer and ovarian cancer are found to occur together, particularly in genetic disease cases involving BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Genetics is the reason that women affected with these mutations have a high chance of getting both breast and ovarian cancers. These genes are both responsible for the control of tumor growth and when mutated, the chances of cancer getting into the breast and the ovaries increase. It is advised that women who have such breast or ovarian cancer-inducing genes in their families go for genetic tests to know their risk.

Is breast cancer painful when lumps occur?

Breast cancer lumps are mostly generally not painful in the early phases of the disease. The most women with a lump report that the lump is hard and does not hurt. In some cases though, some patients experience pain or tenderness, but usually this tenderness is felt when the tumor adjoining other tissues causes pressure on them. However, pain featured by women who suspect they are suffering from breast cancer is not a clear indication of the disease because even mild breast cancer-associated conditions such as cysts, infections, and many other harmless conditions can cause breast discomfort. Any invasive pain or invasive changes in the breast shape or size, especially persistence over time, must be detected and reported to health practitioners.

These questions address some of the important background information regarding breast cancer and should be used to promote breast cancer health-seeking behaviors such as early interventions and presence in recognized institutions for breast cancer management.
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