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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hiba Bittar, MS, COO
Brazilian Butt Lift A Look Back
Moki Media

Brazilian Butt Lift A Look Back

Almost two years have passed since I compared the analysis from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) predictions of the most popular plastic surgery procedures and that of Luxxery Surgery Center. I am happy to report that buttock augmentation (“Brazilian Butt Lift”) by way of fat grafting remains at the top of the wish list for patients requesting body contouring procedures and demand is steadily rising. Although cultural differences often influence trends, it seems that this procedure transcends ethnic, cultural and racial variances. The Brazilian Butt Lift has increased in popularity among Dr. Hakki's clients, but also worldwide. Even following the arrival of her first child, Kim Kardashian's shapely rear end has contributed to the increased demand and heightened popularity of this procedure.

As buttocks augmentations gain ground, so do the number of patients seeking other options such as artificial products. These unsafe procedures such as liquid silicone injections in the gluteal-buttock region are unethical and dangerous. Injectable silicone is an industrial product not medical. Unlike a patient's own fat which is used in the Brazilian Butt Lift it can never become part of the body, predisposing patients to abscesses and infections. Silicone is also prone to scarring and can end up extruded through the skin from the body. Silicone gluteal injection procedures are being performed by criminal, unlicensed individuals who endanger the health of their patients.

Now let's discuss the healthy and medically approved way to increase the size of your butt.

A beautiful buttock is the result of an addition-subtraction procedure in which fat is removed via liposuction – from the lower back, flanks and thighs as well as injected into the buttocks. The grafted fat is the ideal filler for injection because it comes from the patient's body and carries no immune factors. The procedure provides patients with safe, long-lasting results with minimal risk and maximum results. Furthermore, the liposuction and contouring of the surrounding areas contributes to a fuller appearance of the buttocks.

The procedure is technique-dependent and carries no disadvantages when it is well-executed. By adopting a safe technique and producing good results, Dr. Hakki's advanced training and experience in fat transfer has allowed him to meet the rising demand of our patients for the Brazilian Butt Lift while they enjoy truly successful results. Luxxery patients are able to prioritize procedures that improve their body image and simultaneously managing their budgets.

Call now 888-LUXXERY and to set up your consultation with Dr. Hakki, a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive years in practice and experience in your procedure of interest.
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