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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
The Beauty Of Natural Products
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals

The Beauty Of Natural Products

Natural products for external use offer a wealth of benefits for the skin and overall health. The skin is the largest organ, so it is important to scrutinize what we lather, rub in, and wear throughout the day as everything that comes in contact with the skin enters the body as well. Truly natural products should be sourced from the earth, and not contain petroleum by-products, chemical fragrances, or preservatives. Look for the following ingredients to achieve a healthy glow

Seaweeds such as kombu, bladderwrack, and maerloffer trace minerals, soften the skin surface, and moisturize deeply. Seaweed infused baths taken on a regular basis, or exfoliants with a high concentration of seaweed can have a mild thyroid regulating effect. Those with iodine sensitivities should avoid products containing seaweeds.

Clays have an effect of toning the skin, drawing surface toxins and dirt from the pores, and regulating excess sebum. They are very cleansing, and often an ingredient in facial and body cleansers. Pure clay can be mixed with facial toners or hydrosols to make a facial mask. This can be very effective for acne and excessively oily skin.

While petroleum by-products are a no-no for natural skin care, take advantage of the by-product of the essential oil industry for one of natures most ancient beauty ingredients hydrosols, also known as flower waters. These distilled waters contain micro-droplets of essential oils, are lightly fragrant, and pH balanced to offer a very soothing base for skin care products, or a refreshing toner. Rose and lavender are two of the most popular hydrosols.

A step up from hydrosols in potency, essential oils can be added drop by concentrated drop to customize facial and body care. A pimple before the prom? Dab on a drop of lavender, eucalyptus, or niouli to help it heal faster. Add a drop of sandalwood or palmarosa to a moisturizer for extra skin regenerating effect. Lavender is the most universal of the skin oils, with over 100 documented effects.
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