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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kharel Weir, CLT, CPM
Spring Back Your Skin

Spring Back Your Skin

As Winter comes to an end and evolves into Spring, the way you take care of your skin needs to change as well. Harsh winter weather is hard on the skin and can cause severe damage. Enclosed inside for long periods, the dry winter air, coupled with dry heat that keeps us warm, causes dry, dehydrated, cracked skin. And, for certain people with skin related issues such as eczema, the results can be much worse.

Spring brings forward more sun exposure and warmer temperatures. With these changes here are a few recommended steps to help your skin be healthy and vibrant

Cleanse your skin with a hydrating cleanser. This helps bring back the moisture lost in the harsh winter months.

Use toner to balance the acidic level of your skin.

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate! This gets rids of the dry, damaged skin left from the winter season. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion are great for this, too.

Moisturizing keeps the skin subtle and inhibits the damage caused from winter to continue. Many moisturizers are now combined with sunscreen for added protection.

Sunscreen not only prevents sun damage and skin irritation, it also aids in the prevention of various skin cancers and lesions.

Hydrate. Take care of your skin from the inside out.

Everyone has heard the term anti-aging. Many believe anti-aging applies to a more mature age group when in actuality it applies to us all. Anti-aging is needed now more that ever at all ages. IPL (Intense Pulse Light) and laser skin rejuvenation are great treatments to reverse the effects of aging. With change in weather also comes a change in your skin.

Many skin care companies have advanced their technology to target specific age groups and severity of skin concerns. Ask your skin care specialist about specific treatments and products that are right for you.
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