Alya Salon & Spa
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Vienna, VA 22180
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Salons, Spas, and Self Care
“Love yourself. It’s important to stay positive, because beauty comes from the inside out”, says actress Jenn Proske.
As we make our way into February, Valentine’s Day comes around and we are of course reminded of love and romance. We buy flowers, candies, and fancy dinners. We celebrate our partners and our relationships – love is in the air. But we can’t forget the most important relationship, the one with ourselves.
Self care and love are always crucial, but especially in the late winter. It’s cold, it’s dull, it’s grey, we stay indoors hibernating and we get dry from the cold weather. What better time for a super hydrating facial, or some TLC for your split ends? Everyone could use some hair therapy.
Taking care of ourselves is often an afterthought, but it’s so important. A salon or spa date for yourself can have wonderful effects both physically and mentally. If you made a resolution in January to love yourself more, make sure it becomes a February reality.
Romance isn’t just for our partners, no need for a couples massage, go solo and have all of the focus on your own health and wellness. Looking sexy doesn’t have to be just for a date, fresh highlights and a blowout are as hot at the grocery store as they are at a five star restaurant.
Getting a deep cleansing facial and following a moisturizing routine are self care to a tee. Skincare products are one of the best gifts ever, so give yourself the gift of a brightening face cleanser.
The best part about treating ourselves to services at a salon or spa isn’t the physical result afterward, it’s a way of thanking our bodies for all the hard work they go through.
We are our own worst critics most of the time, but we should make more effort to cheer for ourselves instead. In this short and sweet month, when we can’t ignore the love and romance all around, make sure to romance yourself.
The benefits are instantaneous, and always worth it. Indulge a bit, at least it’s not an oversized box of chocolates.
Whether there are flowers and candies from an admirer this February, we’ll have to wait and see, but there are three people who would always look forward to a date with you… your massage therapist, your hairstylist, and your aesthetician.
Article written by Tammy Chestnutt, Hair Stylist
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