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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Olga Solovienko, Medical Laser Technician
How To Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer.
Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa

How To Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer.

Now that the beach weather has arrived, sunscreen or sun block is very important on sunny days and cloudy days too. Bring your umbrellas to the beach or pool and pay attention to the undersides under arms and under chin, water reflects rays to areas you might not think about.

Wear hats at the beach, on the golf course, everywhere you and the sun are spending time together. Protect the eyes with sunglasses UV rated for sure, and polarized sunglasses make a huge difference. Don't forget sunscreen for your lips (not gloss) use at least a 30 SPF.

Sunscreens do differ. Broad-spectrum sunscreens often contain a number of chemical ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB radiation. Occasionally chemical ingredients can cause skin reactions, including acne, burning, blisters, dryness, itching, rashes, redness, stinging, swelling and tightening of the skin. If any of these symptoms occur within a day or two of sunscreen use, stop using and check with your skin specialist.

A physical sun block with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide do not typically cause allergic reactions. With new technology, the particle sizes of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have been reduced, making them more transparent without losing their ability to screen UV. If you have melasma, physical sun blocks or sunscreens containing physical blockers are your best choice.

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