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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Astoria Laser Clinic and Med Spa
Freeze Fat Away
Astoria Laser Clinic and Med Spa

Freeze Fat Away

Freeze Fat Away

CoolSculpting Elite is becoming a more and more popular way to contour the body and get rid of unnecessary fat. Even though a lot of patients have questions about the results of this nonsurgical treatment, we have seen amazing results. This technology is based on the scientific principle that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than the overlying skin and surrounding tissues. With over one million CoolSculpting Elite treatments performed worldwide, it has become the most innovative, non-surgical way to lose those annoying bumps and bulges of stubborn fat. This revolutionary technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in the selected area to induce a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat bulges.

The CoolSculpting Elite uses controlled cooling to target and kill only fat cells. In the weeks to follow, the frozen fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from the body.

It’s safe, FDA-cleared and effective. Results look natural and can be seen as early as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results after one to three months. There is no need for down time after a treatment. You can return to normal activities and return to work after the session is over. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, long-term results should remain stable.
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