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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Briana Walton, MD
Feminine Wellness
Anne Arundel Medical Center

Feminine Wellness

Last month we celebrated Women’s History Month, but why should we stop. HIStory + HERstory = Feminine Wellness.

Many patients have not heard of the sub-specialty of urogynecology, which is the discipline that combines the experience of urology, gynecology, and colorectal surgery. The sub-specialty focuses on the pelvic floor disorders, which include problems with the three “B’s,” bladder problems, bowel dysfunction, and bulges below the belt. The specialty allows us a better understanding of the medical and quality of life issues. But sometimes, there is more history than meets the ears and patients don’t always feel heard.

We Love To Hear Herstory!

Part of discovering what is meaningful to a woman is allowing her to open up in a safe environment. This process also entails performing a very comprehensive exam that helps a woman understand her body more thoroughly. A regular visit involves an exchange of information. A great visit is the ability to ask embarrassing questions and then formulate a plan to improve one’s feminine confidence and well-being.

Sharing/Openness Is No Longer Taboo

Sexual wellness is defined as the state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to sexuality that can be assessed and improved through sensitive and proper medical care. When sex hurts because of dryness or the changes from delivering your child occurs, this can change a woman’s perception, reception, and desire for intimacy and sexual function.

The Freedom To Be Beautiful Inside and Out

Many of us are surprised by the changes that occur from common events such as childbearing, constipation, and straining, and even exercise. These alterations can be tolerable for a while, but when they re-define your idea of what you want for yourself, then a conversation should occur.

The art of urogynecology and intimate aesthetics help women manage alterations of pelvic health and shifts in female vaginal anatomy. Intimate aesthetics, defined as services and procedures to improve the appearance and attractiveness of female genital organs, allows women to validate concerns and help redefine expectations and self-confidence for the genital appearance and sexual functions.

Stop Shaving and Waxing and Join the Movement – Laser Hair Removal

Both men and women get tired of shaving daily, and waxing can be both painful and time-consuming. Laser hair removal has been available for years, but it has not always been sufficient for darker skin. There are different lasers for different skin types, which target different biomarkers such as melanin or water. A skin-type specific laser beam passes through the skin and travels down a hair follicle residing underneath the skin’s surface. The laser energy destroys the follicle with the heat that it generates. Destroyed hairs are then either dissolved within the skin or rejected by the body within two to three weeks.

Laser hair removal systems cool the temperature of the surface at the procedure site before and after laser exposure. Newer LHR systems are almost painless, and some require no local anesthesia, no gel, or pain medication. However, in a medical practice, we have access to topical anesthetic creams in more sensitive areas.

So as we continue to celebrate HERstory this month, we encourage you to be an ambassador for health and wellness.
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