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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Marisol Zenteno, Medical Laser Technician
Exfoliate Your Winter Skin Away
Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa

Exfoliate Your Winter Skin Away

Do you ever wonder what happens to your skin in wintertime? Freezing temperatures, low humidity, and furnace-blasted dry air can leave your skin dry, flaky, and itchy. Everyone needs to protect their skin from drying out in the winter and step up their routine to help their skin stay supple.

Moisturizing, adding humidity to your room and applying sunscreen daily are all ways to help your skin stay healthy. And, the benefits of professionally exfoliating dry skin can improve a person's complexion in the winter, too.

Treatments such as a peel, microdermabrasion or needling can be very beneficial. These may sound intimidating but they are really quite comfortable and easy, and yield great results for many people. They help to rejuvenate your skin and are recommended by many physicians as part of a complete maintenance skin care routine.

These treatments gradually remove layers of dead cells that have built up on the surface. The reason these procedures are so effective for rejuvenation is that they turn on the skin's molecular healing process. What is surprising, the skin is typically not “wounded” in any way that you would perceive it to be, so it is necessary to stimulate the natural response of the skin in order for it to rejuvenate itself.

The immediate benefit of exfoliation and pore cleansing is followed by new collagen production creating a “renewal” of your skin and appearance. The skin will absorb moisturizers and creams much better after exfoliation and cleansing, helping you to maintain the results at home. This helps to balance the skin's moisture, which will help reduce the winter dryness and soften lines and wrinkles.

Days after the treatment, a patient's complexion is brighter, smoother and more attractive. As a bonus, the skin is on its way to help fight the signs of aging and discoloration.

It is recommended to get one treatment done every month to maintain healthy looking skin and to use the right pharmaceutical skin care products at home each day between treatments to help maintain desired results.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130