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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dagmar Kern, Esthetician
Essence Of Facial Beauty
Longevity Wellness Center

Essence Of Facial Beauty

What is it that makes some people just “glow” with energy and good looks? DNA? Exercise? Healthy food? Sure, all of the above, but for those of us whose DNA is less than perfect, and whose lifestyles believe in “no pain, no gain” and health foods, there are ways to look radiant and it doesn't have to hurt or deprive.

Manual lifting massage, a method that helps to reduce or eliminate wrinkles in a natural way, is a technique by which physiological knowledge, anatomy and acupuncture meridians and points are taken into consideration.

According to that knowledge, muscles are ready for contraction after a stretching impulse but ready for relaxation after a contraction impulse. The purpose of this kind of massage, already used in sports medicine, is to increase the capacity of the muscular system thereby reactivating blood circulation, and eventually, strengthening shrinking muscles.

I suggest two of these intensive massages per week for three months, then once a month with regular skin treatments for “tune-up” and then once a year. The results can amaze you (and your friends). Recapture your own “glow of youth” by understanding how physiological knowledge, anatomy and acupuncture meridians and points, can be used to improve your health.
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