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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Laura Gesicki-Wood, MD
Childhood Asthma
Accredited Allergy Center of Springfield

Childhood Asthma

Did you know that children who receive multiple antibiotics throughout the year are more likely to develop asthma? This is often called the hygiene hypothesis whereby children of industrialized nations exhibit increased incidence of wheezing and coughing by age seven, secondary to decreased exposure to infection (from inappropriate overuse of antibiotics) and increased sanitation.
Several large-scale studies have documented a direct correlation between the number of antibiotics children take per year and their risk of developing asthma (the average relative risk is three times normal). Notably, the incidence of asthma in the U.S. is 15-20%. This is eight to ten times greater than many third world countries in which sanitation and access to medications are scarce.
Childhood asthma is due to many factors. One significant factor seems to be the rampant use of antibiotics. Helping your child to try to fight infection naturally is always the best bet. Most viral infections last three to four days and improve with time. These types of infections do not require and will not be helped with antibiotics.

If an infection lasts longer than three to four days, symptoms are worsening over time, or are accompanied by significant fever, greater than 100.4, you should seek medical attention. For children who are already asthmatic, early medical attention is essential.

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