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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Young Yi, LAc, DOM
Enjoy Better Vision and Eye Health With Acupuncture
Yi’s Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic
. http://eyecure.net/

Enjoy Better Vision and Eye Health With Acupuncture

Your eyes are a reflection of your overall health.  Illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease can be revealed in the eyes. Conditions such as glaucoma, optic neuritis or vision loss are often associated with systemic health problems.  It is this interconnection between your eyes and your health that acupuncture and Oriental medicine can tap into and utilize to treat eye and vision problems.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body – most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. It is one of the practices used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been proven to be effective in the treatment of conditions such as back and neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headaches. However, researchers are only beginning to understand whether acupuncture can be helpful for various other health conditions.

How Eye Conditions Are Treated With Acupuncture

Oriental medicine pays close attention to the relationship between tissues and organs.  Sometimes an imbalance within the body can manifest as an eye problem, just as the health of the eyes is often a reflection of an imbalance or health problem elsewhere in the body.

Vision loss (in particular, age-related macular degeneration) is one example of this. Medical research in the state of Virginia has found that acupuncture can be effective in helping patients with macular degeneration, tunnel vision, night blindness, glaucoma, optic neuritis, or optic atrophy. It could also be helpful to patients with chronic dry eyes or cataracts.

When you are treated for an eye condition with acupuncture, any underlying imbalances that are contributing to your symptoms will be addressed.  The eye problems will also be treated directly by promoting circulation of Qi (life force) and blood around the eyes.

In addition to acupuncture, there are several things you can do each day to maintain eye health and avoid problems. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water to keep your body and eyes hydrated. Stop smoking.  Exercise to improve overall circulation. Make a conscious effort to stop periodically to rest and blink frequently especially when reading, working at a computer or watching television. Avoid rubbing your eyes. Always remember to always protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV light and glare with protective lenses.

To find out if acupuncture can help you (or a loved one) with a vision/eye-related concern, contact a local acupuncturist who has experience treating these conditions.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130