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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Tiffany Daniel
Goal Setting vs. Resolutions
Live To Day Wellness
. https://www.ctldomgroup.com/

Goal Setting vs. Resolutions

As we transition from Diabetes Awareness to Healthy Heart Awareness there are two months in between in which we spend time with family, take leave, relax and consume more meals than we normally would, which sometimes leaves us feeling like everything we worked so hard to achieve throughout the year has diminished in just two months.

You see, a resolution is a firm decision to either do or not to do something, the quality of being determined, and the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

Whereas goal setting takes on a bit more ownership and dedication as it involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person toward a goal wherein they can also be rewarded and feel the sense of accomplishment, which tends to normally keep people more engaged.

As we continue to move through the holiday season, let's keep up the momentum by remembering that it “tis the season to be jolly”, which means happy and committed to one's self enough not to hit the stop button during cold weather, holidays etc., henceforth allowing you to celebrate those non-scale victories as well as utilize some of the coping skills mentioned in last month's article on coping with stress.

And remember as you set your goals, they are for you and should be something that you are comfortable with, achievable and they should bring you fulfillment and happiness. When it's yours you will find that you are more passionate about it and will strive harder to obtain it.

When it's yours it is also more difficult to be persuaded or talked out of it. They are accomplishments that are specific to you and based off your physical, emotional and time management aspects that only you know how far and how much you can commit to.

But the biggest takeaway of them all is if you remember nothing else from this article is that you must be able to visualize it. If you can't see it, how realistic is it really?

And last but not least, tell someone, share in your commitment, success and build comradery. Not just for accountability, but for support. This way it will be difficult to drop off in just a few weeks as many do with resolutions since they were no more than a decision to do or not to do in the first place with no form of commitment.

This is why your fitness goals should be based on goal setting opposed to resolutions.

It's a new day, a new year and you have so much to look forward to. Start with your self and have a blast. Happy New Year!

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