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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Maia Carney
Exercise Is Beautiful
Teamworx Fitness
. http://theworxbymaia.com/

Exercise Is Beautiful

Exercising is more than about looking good it's also about gaining strength, flexibility, and endurance, but let's face it, looking good makes us feel good, too (and vice versa).

Regular exercise adds years to your life.

When you start a program of regular exercise, you're not only improving the way you look now, but you're also improving your future health. Every minute you exercise extends your life between seven and fourteen minutes, depending on the intensity and frequency of your workouts. More importantly, exercise adds quality to those years by giving your body the strength and balance it needs to do daily activities.

Your skin will glow.

The stress hormone cortisol is most commonly associated with retaining abdominal fat and is one of the top causes for adult acne. Exercise helps to burn off those pesky stress hormones leaving you with clearer skin and a leaner frame. If you maintain regular exercise throughout your life, it will be noticed that you look years younger than other folks your age that didn't maintain an active lifestyle.

Muscles are beautiful.

Not only does muscle tissue burn more calories at rest than fat tissue does, it is also more compact one cubic inch of muscle tissue weighs more than one cubic inch of fat. That means it requires a smaller container. It's similar to comparing a pound of feathers with a pound of metal; the pound of metal will take up less space, so even if you never see a difference on the scale you can still drop a size. The bonus is building muscle is the only way to permanently reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Increased energy = more time for fun.

The body is so amazing. The more you work it, the more energy it seems to have. Regular exercise not only builds muscle and increases flexibility, it also builds endurance, which means you'll have plenty of energy at the end of the work day to do other activities. You may also find yourself gravitating towards more physical hobbies, such as hiking or dancing the night away.

A good program to get you chiseled and fit also includes nutrition. That's not a diet, but a way of learning to make smarter food choices to help you shed excess body fat. You'll walk taller and have improved posture, which not only makes you look thinner, it also gives you more confidence. Now that's really beautiful.

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