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Terry Douglas, Maryland Elder Law Attorney
May 2015 Is Older Americans Month Get Into the Act
Douglas Law Office

May 2015 Is Older Americans Month Get Into the Act

This is the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act. Traditionally, the month of May has also been observed as National Elder Law Month and Senior Citizen Month. As such, elder law attorneys throughout the country contribute a great deal to their communities by educating seniors about their legal options and solutions.

What is Elder Law? Elder law is a holistic, multidisciplinary area of law that focuses on the legal, financial, medical, social, and family issuers affecting seniors and their families. Maryland attorneys who practice in elder law provide advocacy, guidance, and service that enhance the lives of older adults.

Older Americans have legal needs that require special attention and knowledge. When speaking to older adults, their number one concern is that they don't want to be a burden to their loved ones.

Who will care for you when you can't? Will you hire a caretaker to come into the home? Move in with your adult children and their family? Or, move into a facility?

When clients visit an elder law attorney, they become familiar with the network of services and providers who assist clients. For example, home-delivered meals, adult day care, transportation services, and caregiver support.

The best time to meet with an attorney is before a crisis. By planning ahead, seniors can ensure a better quality of life and that they have the services and support that they need as they age.

What are the key elements for which older persons need to plan? Older adults should consider income and resources, long term care, lifestyle, and housing needs when planning for retirement. In addition, wills, durable powers of attorney for property, health care directives, and appropriate insurance coverage are issues that seniors should discuss with legal professionals.

Free Workshop. There are free public workshops and seminars conducted by local attorneys for senior citizens. You can learn more about

  • Powers of Attorney (Durable, Financial, Health Care)
  • Health Care Directives (Living Will, Designation of Guardian)
  • Financing nursing home care
  • Estate Planning (wills and trusts), and more

None of us want to think of needing care from another. Nevertheless, we should plan for the worst, and hope for the best. Whether you need long term care or if you have aging parents, talk with an elder law or estate planning attorney about how planning now can preserve the quality of your life.

For more info, visit www.eldercare.gov or call 1 (800) 677-1116.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130